December 2023 Announcement!
  •  12/7/2023 01:15 PM

The team will be translating old and new content into the following languages: Arabic Spanish Cantonese Vietnamese Korean

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Snowflake's Inside the Modern Data Stack for Ad & Marketing for 2023 (Martech & Adtech)
  •  10/21/2023 05:05 PM

3 out of 4 CMOs felt pressured to do more with less, especially with a recession. Use ethical practices to stay compliant regarding data privacy. Use a data flow map to identify potential risks and keep your privacy policy up to date. Also, you can use AI to target better. However, don't be one of those people who try to spam folks as a way to stand out.

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Product Design Optimization and Marketing
  •  2/7/2023 01:24 PM

TLDR: Product Design Optimization is modifying certain aspects of a product to make it attractive to customers and cut costs. Also, to implement this we provided six generalized steps.

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Q: What advice would you give to your beginner-self when it comes to this field?
  •  8/27/2022 04:00 PM

Summary: 1) Imposter syndrome sucks and everything doesn't have to be perfect when you first start. 2) Create templates and frameworks for your business and go back to address any bottlenecks and issues. 3) Providing value to the customer that isn't generic and helping them solve problems! 4) Fuck those business gurus and be trustworthy! 5) Don't jump straight into advertising! Yes, it's good for outreach but get established first. (Get your house in order. Don't build a house on a shaky foundation.)

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How to Write Engaging Content (w/ examples + resources)
  •  3/6/2021 11:31 AM

TL;DR: First,Don't neglect to engage with others' content or omit to add value to conversations. Second, I wanna challenge you to sit down and create content for a week to maximize your exposure with that content and repurpose said content. Third, if you have a smaller brand you should engage with people more to boost awareness. Fourth, Marketing isn't just pushing a product, you should also know how to do market research. Fifth, people are watching you, folks want you to share knowledge and skills. Lastly, it's perfectly okay to use memes as a business owner. Add a little spice to your posts.

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