Q: What advice would you give to your beginner-self when it comes to this field?
  •  8/27/2022 04:00 PM

Summary: 1) Imposter syndrome sucks and everything doesn't have to be perfect when you first start. 2) Create templates and frameworks for your business and go back to address any bottlenecks and issues. 3) Providing value to the customer that isn't generic and helping them solve problems! 4) Fuck those business gurus and be trustworthy! 5) Don't jump straight into advertising! Yes, it's good for outreach but get established first. (Get your house in order. Don't build a house on a shaky foundation.)

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Suck at Sales? We Got You Covered.
  •  6/16/2020 04:15 AM

TL;DR: Qualify, prove your value, close the deal, charge enough to cover expenses and fulfillment, and create customer loyalty to keep them around.

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